"We’ve all thought about sharks when surfing. Most of us have been asked by a member of the non-surfing community, “Aren’t you scared of sharks out there?” or “Have you ever seen a shark?” and for the majority of us, that answer is probably “no.” But thanks to Spielberg’s Jaws and Discovery Channel’s Shark Week, the thought of Great White sharks will occasionally creep into our heads, and maybe for good reason." http://www.surfermag.com/features/most-likely-to-be-attacked-by-a-shark-you-2/
Ok, I am sure that each of us have seen the videos on the news or pictures of all the sharks migrating down South Florida's coast in the past month or so. And I bet if your a surfer your answer to these questions above would be more like, "Yes, a lot of sharks." One of my local spots that I surf regularly is always crawling with sharks. It's only about a mile or less away from our inlet which has a huge Bull Shark and Spinner Shark population, and it seems that every time I surf there I see a shark or two or ten. Yes, it sometimes is a little scary especially when they ride the wave coming right at you and turn away right before they get to you. The best is when you start counting how many Spinner Sharks you see jump about 50 yards from where you surf, 2,3,6,9 and so on. As always though surfers keep surfing and the sharks keep swimming by. We understand that they are there and I know that they know we are there.
Last year our community lost a fellow surfer and friend right here at Stuart Beach. Howard Schafer was kite surfing when he had fallen and been attacked by a shark. For the full story: (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35233439/ns/us_news-life/). This attack made most of us realize how scary and that this could truly happen to anyone. Even though statistics show that we are more likely to be struck by lightning, we should all respect the ocean and it's most feared predator. Because when we enter the water we are in their territory, their home and their dinner table.
This I am sure will not stop any of us from doing the sport we love. We just need to say a little prayer and put it in the back of your mind. So, enjoy the waves, the ocean and respect its creatures.